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Jasmine Reda’s Avatar

Jasmine Reda

Dentist ,Exocad Designer
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Cairo, Cairo Governorate, Egypt
3 Answers
1103 Reads
1 Karma

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Jocelynn’s Avatar
Jocelynn Oct 08 284 views

What do i include in my resume?

I have no experiance in anything. All that would be on it is my name. Im working on creating a welcome committe for my school but other than that i dont have much to add. (im a senior in high school)

Athena’s Avatar
Athena Oct 08 461 views

What skills or advantages does one need to major in the medical field?

I am a senior in highschool wanting to major in the medical field, and I'm wondering what I could do to have a higher chance of getting in to the field

Edward’s Avatar
Edward Oct 08 369 views

what major is good for dentistry?

Senior in Highschool, I enjoy psychology but wanted to know other majors that may have a more straightforward path to dentistry.