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Collin Green’s Avatar

Collin Green

User Experience Research
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Mountain View, California
3 Answers
2700 Reads
1 Karma

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Danielle’s Avatar
Danielle May 11, 2016 1190 views

How important is a PhD in the field of experimental psychology?

I have a Bachelor's degree in psychology and would like to eventually pursue a career doing research in the field of psychology. Is it essential to have a PhD, or would a Master's degree suffice when applying for jobs? Does your education level affect your pay grade?

Shan’s Avatar
Shan Jan 27, 2021 1189 views

Those with a Cognitive Science degree, what is your career now?

I am slightly interested in Cognitive Science, however, I am not to sure about the job opening s for those with Cognitive Science degrees? Like what do you do now after graduating and getting you BA/BS in Cognitive Science? #career-development #career #STEM #stem #cognitive-science #cog-sci

Azaleah’s Avatar
Azaleah Mar 27, 2018 2074 views

What job opportunities would be available to me with a declared double major in Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology, and what steps can I take while in college to better my chances at obtaining a job?

As stated in the question, I am double majoring in Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology. I want to study the relation of the brain to cognition and behavior to gain a better understanding of the only partially unlocked human mind and how this understanding can help with mental health and...