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William’s Avatar


Fresno, California
2 Questions
101 Karma

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William’s Avatar
William Aug 29, 2022 697 views

How do you create a brand for yourself through sports?

I'm an athlete in high school and I know that advertising yourself as a brand is popular in sports but I am wondering if I were to start that brand now for myself, how would I start?

William’s Avatar
William Aug 29, 2022 778 views

How do you get started in real estate? What are the requirements to be in the real estate business? Also, Where are the best spots to up your housing sales?

I'm an athlete in high school and if sports don't work for me I want to get involved in the real estate business but I don't know how to get started. How do you get started in real estate? What are the requirements to be in the real estate business? Also, Where are the best spots to up your...