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Shi Ying Quince’s Avatar

Shi Ying Quince

San Francisco, California
2 Questions
81 Karma

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Shi Ying Quince’s Avatar
Shi Ying Quince May 19, 2016 1107 views

What career choices I have with interior design and Japanese?

I been studying interior design in college but due to some academic issues I have to change to Japanese which I still want to be doing something with design. Is there any career choices that can combine the two together? #interior #japanese #interior-architecture #interior-designer

Shi Ying Quince’s Avatar
Shi Ying Quince May 19, 2016 1575 views

If I don't graduate with a degree in Interior Design, is it very hard to find a job?

I am asking this question because I am studying interior design right now, but due to some academic issues I can't continue with the major. I still want a job associate with interior design will that be something difficult to do? The major I will be changing to was my minor - Japanese....