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Patrick Murphy’s Avatar

Patrick Murphy

Talent Acquisition
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Legal Occupations
Miami, Florida
2 Answers
11029 Reads
1 Karma

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Emma’s Avatar
Emma Jul 30, 2022 7160 views

What types Engineering will be the best for me I do not like sitting on a desk and doing computer work please help me

I love Solving problems and I love algebra but I hate computer work and I want to be in the engineering field I want to do stuff with my hand not on the computer

Ali’s Avatar
Ali May 08, 2016 6525 views

How did you choose what company to work for?

I am interested in a job in technology, but i'm not sure how to go about deciding what company to work for. How did you pick the company you are working at? What factors did you take into consideration? #technology