Career questions tagged talent-recruiting

Can someone become an HR or Talent Recruiter without a degree in the field Is it possible to transition from another background, and do HR certifications help in landing a job in this sector?
Also, can I learn about HR through self-study, and if so, how effective is that for finding opportunities? I will be very grateful for any helps.

What free resources can you recommend to improve my skills and automate processes?
I am passionate about talent development and recruiting. What free resources can you recommend to improve my skills and automate processes? Thank you.

what does the work life of a talent director look like?
describe your work schedule.

How do you you sell yourself on a resume if it looks a bit jumpy?
I spent my twenties sort of jumping from job to job, the longest being 2 1/2 years. My final position was a farce because the amount of money I was supposed to make was a lie and the people who made the job agreement were "let go." Anyhow, I decided to take a little break and ended up moving to a different state and then was in an accident where I almost died. I still am unable to work because of my problems from the accident, but want to prepare for when I can work again. I also have my age going against me. How can I make myself look good on a piece of paper where I seem flighty and unloyal and some of my skills may be outdated and I don't know the states laws and statutes. I was in graduate school at this time and obtained the degree so I am still very familiar and up to date with Microsoft, Mac, and somewhat knowledgeable of SPSS (a statistical program). And I am very good at research of non-legal and legal programs like Lexis Nexus and Westlaw. I just need to get that interview. #talent-recruiting #hiring #human-resources #job-application

What is the best way to present yourself in a resume if you have a mentaI diagnosis which previously inhibited your loyalty to a company and you jumped from job to job?
I had a very difficult time staying at one job because I could not focus on my work and actually needed to multiple things at one time to keep myself in check. I was a great multi-tasker, but the job would soon bore me and I would not be able to do it without feeling severe anxiety. I only had one job I loved but I commuted 2 hours each way just to work and after 2 1/2 years I had to take a break. After finally being sent to a doctor and then a psychiatrist because of my focusing problem, they discovered ADD and gave me medicine. Now I am very focused, was even able to get my Master's degree. How would I demonstrate that I am a changed employee and can actually sit and do my work, as well as multi-task, to an employer since my past looks so bad. The references loved me, I was a hard worker, but I just couldn't handle doing the same thing day in and out without losing my attention on the project. Btw, my best job was one where I was in and out of the office all day. When I was given a project where I was stuck at my desk or in a room, I would lose focus very easily. #talent-recruiting #legal-services #government #human-resources #job-application

What are the key words employers look forward on a persons resume?
I am applying to positions, but have had recruiters make comments to my resume as not being as a highlight to employers, mostly I present myself as a doer and not an achiever. I just want to know what are some things I can do to improve my chances at obtaining a job, I mean I haven't even gotten to a month out of college, but I don't want to be lazy and not start trying to get my foot in the door. #human-resources #recruiting #talent-recruiting #job-application

When it comes to selecting a candidate are there any potential warning signs that signal they might not be a good fit?
My instructor did a role-play with another instructor on how to conduct an interview. The class ran out of time, we weren't able to go over the warning signs. I was wondering if anyone has had experience with a "bad" interviewee. #human-resources #talent-recruiting #talent-acquisition

I am very new in my new career (I am changing it at 40). My networking is really involving only one company. How do I expand my network to get more job opportunities that are not necessarily in my field of choice, but will benefit?
I have a lot of paralegal experience, just from earning my B.A. I would like to advance into Homeland Security, but I am finding it hard to meet the job qualifications for a position in this field because of my age and my inability to join the Army or other national force. Was my education pointless, who will utilize it? #human-resources #government #homeland-security #disabilities #talent-recruiting #age-in-the-workplace

What aspects on a college's resume can stand out to employers for internships?
Currently a freshman in college, I am wondering what activities I should be pursuing to appeal more to employers for internships recruitment. Are there some activities that are more heavily weighed than others? #resume #college-jobs #job-coaching #recruiting #resume-writing #college-recruiting #talent-recruiting