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Providence, Rhode Island
3 Questions
106 Karma

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Valentina ’s Avatar
Valentina May 19, 2016 1098 views

Best website for scholarships?

I would like to save as much money as possible when I go to college. Where should I apply for scholarships? #college #scholarships #counselor #academic-advising #advising #advisory-boards

Valentina ’s Avatar
Valentina May 19, 2016 1219 views

Should I go to the Navy?

Should I go to the Navy after I get my associates degree or after I become a physician assistant? #counselor #navy #united-states-navy #advising #advisory-boards

Valentina ’s Avatar
Valentina May 19, 2016 1283 views

Would it be bad to get a bachelor's degree at a state college instead of a university?

I live about 20 minutes away from a state college that offers a bachelor's degree in Biology. That is what I plan to major in regardless of what school I to attend. I would rather go to a state college because I can live at home and I will save about 40,000 dollars, if I attend the state...