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Portland, Oregon
2 Questions
76 Karma

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Penny ’s Avatar
Penny May 19, 2016 1253 views

Is Marine Biology a popular career choice? If so, how easy will it be for me to get a good career once I graduate from college?

The ocean and it's inhabitants are very interesting and important to me to protect and study. Marine Biology is a dream of mine to be near the ocean and study what I love. I am curious, however, if it is a popular career because I want to be able to have a steady job once I finish college....

Penny ’s Avatar
Penny May 19, 2016 1326 views

What is the highest salary a Marine Biologist can receive?

I am a Senior of 2016 and am interested in Marine Biology at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. I am asking this question because I want to get a better understanding on what I will be getting myself into for college. I want to make sure I am confident when going into this field of study....