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Gunnar’s Avatar


Las Vegas, Nevada
3 Questions
111 Karma

Gunnar’s Career Goals

After finishing highschool, I plan to go to either get drafted immediately or go to college for 2 years until I am draft eligible. I want to be a professional baseball player for as long as I can. Then I would like to be a professional fisherman/guide.



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Gunnar Sep 22, 2022 614 views

How difficult is it to develop relationships with MLB Scouts?

I want to be a professional MLB player

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Gunnar Sep 22, 2022 517 views

What are some ways to prepare if you want to become a professional athlete?

I want to go pro in the MLB

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Gunnar Sep 22, 2022 1423 views

Careers without College?

What caeers are there that do not require college or further education versus a vocational school?