Career questions tagged choices

Careers without College?
What caeers are there that do not require college or further education versus a vocational school?

What is the deciding factor for someone deciding which type of law to study?
#law #choices #law-practice

How do I narrow my college search?
I've been trying in vain to narrow down my list of colleges, it feels like deadlines are around the corner and I have no idea what I would do in the best case scenario that I got accepted into all the universities I am applying to #college #search #help #choices #narrow

What are some actions or thoughts that defined you'r career?
50-70% of students change their majors at least once. Among 2,134 workers, 32% said they have never worked in a field related to their major. I was wondering, what lead you to choose your career and how are you different from the next person in the same career? #career #choices

I am struggling choosing between four colleges. How do I know which one is right for me?
I have been debating between four colleges for a while now. I have been accepted to two, I am pretty sure I will get accepted to another one of them, and the last one I am unsure whether I will be accepted or not. They all have so many pros and cons, and I am a terrible decision maker. I just want to know if there are any tips that you could give me on choosing the right college for me. #indecisive #choices

Is it better to keep doing what you’re good at or to challenge yourself with something out of your comfort zone?
Throughout all of my life, I’ve always gotten stuck at forks in the road: one pathway appearing to be safe and pleasant, and the other looking more like the depths of Hell. The sloth in me is always tempted to just take the easiest paths; however, this doesn’t often lead to the self-growth that I long for. On the other hand, I see the glistening destination at the end of the more difficult road, but whenever I do decide to take that path, it seems like mission impossible. What’s your opinion? #decisions #choices #career-choices