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Judye Byrum’s Avatar

Judye Byrum

Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Tucson, Arizona
7 Answers
3462 Reads
1 Karma

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Lakiriaha’s Avatar
Lakiriaha May 11, 2021 1064 views

Can someone tell me the training or background as a criminal investigator?

I want to know more about the work history or expertise. #career-counseling

mia’s Avatar
mia Sep 27, 2022 430 views

Career ready questions?

Why do we need to be career ready?
What are the first steps?
How will I plan it?
When does this occur right now?

Jonathan’s Avatar
Jonathan Sep 27, 2022 423 views

What job has good pay?

What job has lot of flexibility whereas I could be able to not work on a certain day if I had an emergency?

Junhao’s Avatar
Junhao Sep 27, 2022 358 views

What should I do? What is a job that can earn a lot of money?

I want to be a teacher as I grow up, but teachers only get a little pay. So I want to do a job that can earn a lot of money, but I have no idea what job is ok for me.

Elijah’s Avatar
Elijah Sep 26, 2022 455 views

How do I become a successful entrepreneur?

Where do I start for an entrepreneurship job

Clayton’s Avatar
Clayton Sep 26, 2022 405 views

What do you think would be some of the most useful trades today?

I am in the 11th grade and would like to learn about some trades since I do not plan on going to college.

Braden’s Avatar
Braden Sep 26, 2022 577 views

How do I get repeat clients and get me on venues refer list as a DJ?

I am a DJ looking to build more business.