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Michelle Fenske’s Avatar

Michelle Fenske

Divisional Sales Manager
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations
Los Angeles, California
6 Answers
24710 Reads
1 Karma

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Jayden’s Avatar
Jayden Sep 25, 2023 1062 views

What do I need to do/learn to get into the stock market trading business and how do I get into the stock market trading business?

What do I need to do/learn to get into the stock market trading business and how do I get into the stock market trading business.

Khin Yadanar’s Avatar
Khin Yadanar Jun 15, 2020 4605 views

What is the best advice for a beginner business woman.

I am an educational student. But I interested about business for my future. So, I want some best advice for me to success. #business #entrepreneur #business-management #management

kaitlyn’s Avatar
kaitlyn Feb 19, 2021 2162 views

As a business person, if you could give one piece of advice to your former self, what would it be?

I created a Business Club at my school, and I wanted to ask a few questions. #business

Tyreh’s Avatar
Tyreh Jun 23, 2021 3042 views

Is it possible someone more introverted to get a career in the business field?

#business #career #marketing #internship

Un Ieng’s Avatar
Un Ieng Oct 06, 2021 9148 views

What extracurricular activities can we do if we want to study business?

I have been considering to study business but not sure what to do for extracurricular activities that can help my career path in the future. #college # #business

Kimberly’s Avatar
Kimberly Dec 25, 2021 7900 views

What kind of internships should I seek out as a Business-Economics Major?

Hello, I am currently a business-economics major at the University of California-Los Angeles, and I am looking for internships for the upcoming summer. Also looking to minor in accounting. As of now, I'm a bit unsure of what internships I should be looking for as I want to get internships...