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Kahley’s Avatar


Buffalo, New York
2 Questions
121 Karma

Kahley’s Career Goals

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Kahley’s Avatar
Kahley May 20, 2016 3402 views

What exactly is a public health coordinator?

I met with a public health nurse a few weeks ago to talk about birth control. I asked her how she got to be doing what she did, and I found her answer very interesting. I would LOVE to educate people about proper sex education (STI's, different types of birth control, consent, gender &...

Kahley’s Avatar
Kahley May 20, 2016 1578 views

What can you do with a sociology degree?

I took a sociology class last quarter, and it's been my most favorite out of every class I've taken. I want to study it in college, but what are my career options if I major in sociology? I am currently in high school and am going to a private four-year college this fall. #career #career-path...