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Lukas Kreiter’s Avatar

Lukas Kreiter

2 Answers
7954 Reads
1 Karma
Kimberly’s Avatar
Kimberly Dec 25, 2021 7900 views

What kind of internships should I seek out as a Business-Economics Major?

Hello, I am currently a business-economics major at the University of California-Los Angeles, and I am looking for internships for the upcoming summer. Also looking to minor in accounting. As of now, I'm a bit unsure of what internships I should be looking for as I want to get internships...

Mei’s Avatar
Mei Oct 19, 2020 1303 views

Starting career

So I am almost finished with my second degree which is a Computer sciences and Software engineering and before I finished a BBA. I have some work experiences as a backend developer but miss the personal contact with people and was thinking to go into project management/consulting. However I am...