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Berkeley, California
2 Questions
71 Karma

Celestin’s Career Goals

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Celestin’s Avatar
Celestin May 20, 2016 4915 views

Best way to enter the entertainment industry on the business side

Hi everyone, I am currently a junior in college, and my professional future seems to be directed towards advertising. After an internship in marketing in general, I am interning this summer in an ad agency, on the data analysis side. Yet, my dream is to work in the entertainment industry, on...

Celestin’s Avatar
Celestin May 20, 2016 1303 views

Safest path for international students

Hi all, I am an international student on an F-1 visa. I am aware that getting sponsored from US companies is hard, yet I am confident in my ability to get an offer. My question is: what is the next step? If I get an H-1b visa, what should I undertake next in order to be as safe as possible...