Career questions tagged entertainment-marketing

is it hard to find a job from an Entertainment Business major?
i want to under go the Entertainment Business major to hopefully work in the entertainment field #entertainment #entertainment-industry #entertainment-marketing #music-entertainment

Best way to enter the entertainment industry on the business side
Hi everyone, I am currently a junior in college, and my professional future seems to be directed towards advertising. After an internship in marketing in general, I am interning this summer in an ad agency, on the data analysis side. Yet, my dream is to work in the entertainment industry, on the business side, either as an agent or in a studio. I was wondering what you would recommend to enter this industry where network is everything. Is it worth it to start as an assistant (at the bottom of the food chain) and then become an agent, potentially later switching to a studio? Or would you recommend starting in another industry (advertising for instance) and then switch over at a later date, probably higher up in the hierarchy? And more generally, what is your opinion on this industry? Thank you very much for your help! #marketing #entertainment #advertising #career-change #entertainment-industry #digital-advertising #entertainment-marketing