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Stanford, California
2 Questions
31 Karma

Rachael ’s Career Goals

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Rachael May 21, 2016 684 views

If you were a COTA before you were an OTR, Id like to hear about your experience transitioning from a COTA to an OTR (the differences, new things you had to get used to etc)

I am a COTA going back to school to get my R. When I graduate, I will have at least 3 years experience as a COTA. #college #college-major #career #career-counseling #government

Rachael ’s Avatar
Rachael May 21, 2016 898 views

As an occupational therapist in California, are there options for incorporating the outdoors and nature into OT?

I am currently a COTA. I moved from NY to RI to go back to school for my masters in OT. After I finish my masters degree, I plan on relocating to the west coast, hopefully California. I love the outdoors but in the north east the time to be outside is limited by extreme cold or extreme...