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Cambridge, England, United Kingdom
3 Questions
76 Karma

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Kayla Aug 06, 2016 802 views

Is it good to know archetictual styles for Interior Design? Is it import to incorporate the style into your design?

Hi! When ever I read home design articles I feel like the designer always know the style of the home they are working with. #interior-design

Kayla’s Avatar
Kayla May 21, 2016 744 views

How much time is typically spent drafting?

I feel drafting is an important part of architecture and that it is time consuming to plan out the small details. #architect

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Kayla May 21, 2016 1422 views

Do you have to memorize color pallets for interior design?

I am asking this because I feel knowing color pallets would be helpful and important. If so I should start memorizing them now. #interior-design