Career questions tagged architect

Rate my skills and give me some tips for architecture and design!!?
My tik tok is called (hayat_.design_) check out if you'd like and tell me what you think...THANK YOU!!! FYI I also do other types of design like fashion design and others :)) also still a beginner

What challenges did you face when starting your career in architecture? ?
"I am a student planning to pursue architecture, and I want to understand the real challenges professionals face when starting their careers. This will help me prepare for potential obstacles and set realistic expectations. I’d love to hear about your experiences and any advice you have for someone just starting out."

How much an architect makes in a year?
Hello! How much an architect makes in a year?

What do I need to major on in studying crimial justice ?
Hi I'm a student with a dream of becoming an architect but I really don't know how to go about it, I need help in directing my focus on what i really need in order to succeed becoming an architect

What do I need to major on in studying architecture ?
Hi I'm a student with a dream of becoming an architect but I really don't know how to go about it, I need help in directing my focus on what i really need in order to succeed becoming an architect

What is architecture about?
What are the requirements for studying Architecture?

What exactly does a real estate architect do?
What responsibilities and jobs do they have to carry out?

What does a real estate architect do?
What responsibilities and jobs do they have to carry out?

I currently starting high school, and have been receiving a class on how to prepare for your future, and I want to follow a career path that has to with art. I'm talking about something like becoming a filmmaker, graphic designer or architect.?
I currently starting high school, and have been receiving a class on how to prepare for your future, and I want to follow a career path that has to with art. I'm talking about something like becoming a filmmaker, graphic designer or architect.

What steps do I need to take from now until I actually start my career journey to become a Computer Network Architect?
I live in Mn in the USA and I'm a 10th grader at SHS.

How to become an architect when I am bad at math?
Especially Algebra 1, I'm in eighth grade and I want to become a real estate architect (designing homes, etc). Do you have any tips on how to become better at math? Also, what courses would I need in high school for this career path?

How can a high schooler who wants to be an architect boost her resume without spending loads of money on fancy college summer programs are there any firms that will take in high schoolers for unpaid/paid internships??
Is it mostly online or are there in person options available?

Architects, I have a few questions below about career interest in Architecture, thanks!
Architects, Could you describe one of your typical workdays? What skills are required in your position on a day-to-day basis? What do find most enjoyable? Are there any negatives to your job? How frequently do layoffs occur? How does it affect employees' morale? Are too many or too few people entering this profession? Why do people leave this field or company? How did you get your job? How do most people enter this profession? Who are the most important people in the industry today? Considering all the people you've met in your field, what personal attributes are essential for success? What is the advancement potential in the field? What is a typical path? Is there anything else you think I need to know? Thank you so much!!

what must i do to become successful in architecture career?
what must i do to become successful in architecture career? I am a fan of buildings and i think architecture is a good one for me.

How can a person be an architect in college?
How can a person be an architect in college?

How to change careers from Lawyer to Landscape Architecture ?
I’m a practicing attorney in business immigration law looking to switch careers but with little transferable skills in Landscape Architecture. Is getting the full Bachelor’s degree in Landscape Architecture the only route?

What is it like to be an Architect?
What type of schedule does an architect typically have? Is it a fixed schedule or more flexible? How much time does it take away from your everyday life? Also, could you provide an insight into the average salary range for architects so that I can have a better understanding of the financial aspects of this career? I'm asking because I'm considering pursuing a career in architecture and would like to understand the work-life balance and financial aspects involved.

What subjects do you need to become an architect
What subjects do you need to become an architect

Most Commonly Asked Interview Question for Architects?
Education: Complete a bachelor's degree in architecture, which is a 5-year professional degree program. Many programs are accredited by the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB). Coursework covers design, architectural history, building materials, structures, and more. Licensing: After graduation, you must pass the Architect Registration Examination (ARE) to become a licensed architect. This multi-part exam tests your knowledge and skills in areas like construction documents, site planning, and building design. Experience: Complete a paid internship, typically 3 years or more, working under the supervision of a licensed architect. This hands-on experience helps you develop the practical skills needed for the profession. Portfolio: contexto Assemble a strong portfolio showcasing your design work, projects, and accomplishments. This will be critical in demonstrating your skills to potential employers.

What do I need to do to possibly become an Architect?
I have just begun creating a Career Village account to possibly gain some information on how I can possibly become an architect in the future.

What college in California is the best for architecture?
Interested in majoring in architecure

How can I start studying more about architecture all over the world and its importance in history ?
I have always found architecture interesting and beautiful and would enjoy making it my career but I'm not sure how or where to start.

How to find Interior Design Jobs (Apprenticeship)?
Ive been studying Interior design and Arcitercture for a short time in college and Im wondering how would someone get into getting your hands dirty physically into the interior design world. Ive create some really nice mood boards and want them to come to life. It's been hard to find jobs when you're only in community college. However, since Im an artist I venture into different hobbies of mine and I get caught up and lose track of what I really want to do. I want to be a professional Interior designer and get my A.A.S and then my B.F.A but I want to be an assistant or something. Please help me out here. Thanks for reading.

Can I continue education with M. Arch degree by BA in fine art?
"How BA art continue education with M. Arch." I am an art student at UW and graduate in BA of art next year. I have a ton of passionate about architect. It is a good idea to apply M arch and please give me some advice my portfolio?

How can someone become a rich business man
I need more information to become a rich architect

How can someone benefit financiallyas an architect?
I need more information to become a rich architect