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Kleber Jose da Silva’s Avatar

Kleber Jose da Silva

Técnico em radiologia
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Guarulhos, SP
2 Answers
3398 Reads
1 Karma

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Ava’s Avatar
Ava Jan 07 1808 views

What do I need to know to go into the medical field (Dermatology)?

Hi! I am currently a high-school sophomore and would like to pursue a career in medicine, more specifically becoming a dermatologist. I know its a very competitive field and was wondering what high-school classes I should take and what I should be ready for on my path to college and med-school....

Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Jan 06 630 views

what do medical students do? why should you become a medical student? how can you become one?

what are three important things i should know about being a clinical medical asst?
what does a typical day look like working CMA or OBGYN?