Career questions tagged dermatologists

What do I need to know to go into the medical field (Dermatology)?
Hi! I am currently a high-school sophomore and would like to pursue a career in medicine, more specifically becoming a dermatologist. I know its a very competitive field and was wondering what high-school classes I should take and what I should be ready for on my path to college and med-school. Thank you!

What's a rough draft of my next years in education if I want to be a dermatologist and what should I know?
I'm currently a freshman in community college and just switched my major to Biology to pursue dermatology. I want to transfer to UCLA after community college, but there isn't much info on what my career pathway would look like in dermatology starting off at community college.

What should I consider before becoming a dermatologist or pediatrician?
I am a 9th grader who is intrested in becoming a dermatologist or pediatrician.

Where can I find an available Medical Dermatologist to interview for my Informational Interview?
I am a junior in high school and I need to interview a professional in my desired field of study for my pre-college class project. I am unaware what resources I can use to find an available dermatologist to interview.

Where did you look at going to college that offered degrees in Dermatology?
Where did you look at going to college that offered degrees in Dermatology?

What are some good high school courses that I can take in order to help me become a Dermatologist?
I am interested in becoming a Dermatologist in the future. I am wondering if there are any specific classes that I can take in high school to help prepare myself for my future?

What is the hardest thing dermatologist face when dealing with a patient ?
Hi my name is Miguel and I’m a 13 year old middle school student, I’m thinking on working as a dermatologist in the future. I would first like to know if I like this job, I would also like to know the challenges dermatologist face in their daily life and how they deal with patients that are challenging to work with.

Were you ever discouraged by the amount of schooling it takes to be a dermatologist?
If yes, how did you decide to continue with the schooling?

Hello! My name is Leticia and I am a current high school student. I'm conducting an interview with any professional in the Dermatology field for a Foundations in Health Science Class project about careers! I have created a total of 13 questions. Comment on this post, answering all 13 questions to be a part of my assignment.
1. What profession did you choose Why? 2. How many years of college did you need to go through? 3. What jobs did you work before you landed your present professional job? 4. How can I decide if I should earn a Ph.D. in this field?

how many hours a week do dermatologists work?
a high school student considering the option of becoming a dermatologist #premed #doctor #medicine #dermatologists

what parts of the dermatology profession are the most challenging?
a high school student considering the option of becoming a dermatologist #premed #doctor #medicine #dermatologists

are there any negatives to being a dermatologist?
a high school student considering the option of becoming a dermatologist #premed #doctor #medicine #dermatologists

what does it take to open a dermatology practice on your own?
a high school student considering the option of becoming a dermatologist #premed #doctor #medicine #dermatologists

what would be a reasonable salary range to expect as a dermatologist?
a high school student considering the option of becoming a dermatologist #premed #doctor #medicine #dermatologists

are there too many or too few people entering the dermatology profession?
a high school student considering the option of becoming a dermatologist #premed #doctor #medicine #dermatologists

what does a typical work day look like for dermatologists?
a high school student considering the option of becoming a dermatologist #premed #doctor #medicine #dermatologists