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Nathalia Nunes’s Avatar

Nathalia Nunes

Corporate Communications
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Porto Alegre, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
4 Answers
4090 Reads
1 Karma

Active Locations

olivia’s Avatar
olivia Sep 27, 2019 1096 views

What do find most enjoyable as a Public Relations Specialist?

#communications #public-relations #communication

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Aug 19, 2016 4672 views

How do you get over public speaking fears?

Before I give a presentation, I usually get very anxious, and even though I might be pretty prepared, I stutter and repeat the same words sometimes. What are good tips and tricks to help me improve presentation skills, and how would you give a great speech? #communications #communication...

Lauren’s Avatar
Lauren Nov 02, 2022 746 views

Careers working with advertising on social media?

I would like to learn about careers in the communication major or field and especially about social media.

Phuong’s Avatar
Phuong Apr 14, 2021 1332 views

How to explore multiple careers before committing?

Similar to college majors, are there ways to explore your options before committing to one? What's the best way to do that? #communications