Career questions tagged class

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kelvinFeb 14, 20224555 views

describe a difficult writing task in school and what you did to complete the task

#writing #task #problem #difficult #essay #article #school #class #college # #writer #author

answer icon8 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconAccra
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RoseOct 29, 2020992 views

Are there any recommondations for classes to take in highschool?

#highschool #class #science #anatomy #health #doctor #gynocology

answer icon7 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconUnited States
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CamilleOct 27, 2020651 views

I am thinking about participating in the broadcasting class at my school next year, would this be beneficial in hopes of having a career within sports broadcasting in my future?

I am a high school junior and am beginning to explore my options for my future following high school. It has been a dream of mine for quite some time to be involved in sports, particularly the NBA, as a post game interviewer. I would appreciate any tips or advice to get started in this industry. #sportsbroadcasting #class #sports #interviewer

answer icon3 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconGrafton
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TylerAug 30, 2018699 views

How many credits at most is recommended per semester

Trying to finish school quickly and would appreciate any advice #class #college

answer icon2 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconWest Palm Beach
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jeffreyAug 15, 2018759 views

where do the student in the masters program for mathematics go to, like a typical classroom or meeting conference room for one on one teaching?

i noticed in the mathematics masters program at my University (UW), all the masters​ levels classes, there are only like 5 students​, sometimes 2 students. where do they go to have a lecture​s with the professor? do they just meet up with the proffsor ​at his office or in a regular big room that is typically used for teaching 200 students in? #professional #math #mathematics #classrooms #mathdepartment #class

answer icon3 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconLake Stevens
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AnesaApr 06, 2018824 views

What are some good ways to study, other than rereading notes?

#school #class #tests #studying-tips

answer icon5 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconSt. Louis
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AnesaApr 06, 2018798 views

What are some good ways to study, other than rereading notes?

#school #class #tests #studying-tips

answer icon3 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconSt. Louis
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BrooklynMar 17, 20188264 views

Can a student recover from failing a college class?

How many classes can a student fail before they are not able to succeed? Can a student recover from a few failed classes after retaking them and getting a better grade? What happens when you take a class that cannot be retaken because it is above 3000, but you need it to succeed? Can I still make a 3.5-4.0 GPA with failed classes that have been retaken? These are the questions I have as a student who went through failing a couple of classes because of being stressed my first semester and now trying to make up for it. I have never failed classes before until University and have been an almost straight A student all through HS and community college. Now I'm struggling. I need reassurance of whether I can make it through college and make the good grades and high GPA I want, but with full honesty. #college #grades #gpa #classes #failure #help #mental-health #recover #recovery #student #student-development #freshmen #sophomore #class #stress #stress-management #university

answer icon6 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconWendell
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ZachMar 15, 2018945 views

Aboout how many classes should one expect to take in a semester in college?

Taking 6-7 classes in a row in one day for high school can be a grueling task, but I have heard that most people take far fewer in college with breaks in between. What should I expect going into freshman year? #class #freshman

answer icon2 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconKillingworth
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CatherineFeb 10, 20182094 views

Tips for surviving bad classes and/or horrible teachers?

I'm open to answers from both fellow students and former students for this question! I'm currently taking a literature class, and I absolutely love it, but that's in regards to all the novels on our reading syllabus being outstanding reads and my own innate passion for literature. When it comes to the actual class, I almost dread going to school every morning since it's my first period (I'm a high school student). I find that my own desires and expectations for the class are incompatible with the reality of it. My teacher provides shallow commentary on the content of our novels, but then expects high-quality analysis and understanding from us students when she can't even provide that level of analysis herself. In fact, students often ask questions for clarification and she either beats around the bush or manages to avoid the question entirely by redirecting their attention to some other topic she brings up. She also expects everyone to improve in their writing and reading analysis skills, but provides no coursework or feedback for improvement, instead repeatedly assuring us that "our skills will improve during our time in the class" - something unlikely to happen if she just expects us to become better "naturally." She never returns or allows students to see past quizzes and tests, and on essays, she only writes vague, criticizing remarks of what we did wrong rather than offering advice on how to improve our writing for higher scores. Confronting her directly/privately for advice and further feedback results in more vague comments. There seems to be no way to coax constructive criticism or explanations of the "high-level analysis" she expects out of her, so the result is a class full of disillusioned and tired students who don't want to try anymore and don't want to improve. Not to mention her behavior makes her lack any sort of credibility so I really can't take anything she says seriously anymore. I'm doing relatively well in the class, but this is thanks to the foundation of literature-based skills I've acquired prior to entering this class, not the result of anything she's taught us. With that being said, are there any tips to trudge through a pointless and unfulfilling class? There are a number of problems here, but my primary concern is preventing a terrible teacher from damaging my love of literature, because this has happened in the past where I had an English teacher so awful that I started to hate literature despite it always being one of my greatest passions. On a personal level, it's also difficult not to let her interpretation of the novels we read ruin my reading experience and my feelings toward said books - for example, she makes a lot of misogynistic comments reinforcing gender roles and completely missing the point that I think the author was actually trying to make when we discuss feminist novels. I need tips on how to survive teachers like her so I can get through the rest of this year and also put them to use if I end up having professors like her in college. (Sorry for writing a novel for my own here!) #student #advice #student-advice #class #high-school-classes #classes #survival #surviving-high-school #tips #bad-classes #bad-teachers #literature #english-literature #english #english-literature #academic-english #writing #reading #books #book #novels #novel #essay #essays #help

answer icon4 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconLos Angeles
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KritikaSep 04, 20162247 views

Can a humanities student pursue Oceanography as a career?

I'm a 11th grade humanities/arts student in CBSE board. I have recently developed an interest in Oceanography and would love to pursue a career in the field. But, can I do that if I have the Humanities Stream in school? #arts #oceanography #geography #humanities #class

answer icon1 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconJaipur
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TiffanieAug 19, 20164654 views

How do you get over public speaking fears?

Before I give a presentation, I usually get very anxious, and even though I might be pretty prepared, I stutter and repeat the same words sometimes. What are good tips and tricks to help me improve presentation skills, and how would you give a great speech? #communications #communication #public-speaking #class #personal-development

answer icon20 answers
Active Jan 17
location iconFlushing
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SamanthaMay 27, 20161494 views

What career can I have involving Chemistry?

I really liked learning about chemistry and want to find a career in it. Many have told me to go into a pharmaceutical career path, but it doesn't spark my interest. #college #science #professor #chemistry #chemist #class

answer icon2 answers
Active Oct 17, 2024
location iconSurprise
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MaeveApr 30, 20142064 views

Would you recommend taking classes over the summer for college?

I know many people that spend their college summers taking classes. Would you suggest this? I know that it can help you get ahead to graduate early or to stay on track. #college #classes #courses #summer #class #course

answer icon6 answers
Active Apr 18, 2024
location iconSan Carlos