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Palm Bay, Florida
3 Questions
121 Karma

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Jade May 23, 2016 873 views

During college should you try to get an internship in a firm that needs or has an acturial position? And how likely is it?

I want to become an actuary. #actuarial-science #actuarial

Jade’s Avatar
Jade May 23, 2016 930 views

To become an actuary I understand that you must take a series of tests, but do you have to continue to go to school or is it more of a refresher on the material?

I want to become an actuary. #finance #actuarial-science #actuarial

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Jade May 23, 2016 963 views

As an actuary is it better to be with something like an investment firm or something like a real estate agency?

I want to be an actuary. #finance #actuarial-science #actuarial