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Escondido, California
2 Questions
116 Karma

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Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah May 24, 2016 1292 views

How much experience and Knowledge do you need to major in film and media production?

I am interested in majoring and film and media production. The only experience I have is filming and editing youtube videos. Other than that I don't know a whole lot. How much experience do I need to major in this and is there something I should be doing to prepare myself for this major?...

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah May 24, 2016 1125 views

How can I make myself stand out when I am applying to colleges?

I have suffered from many illnesses over my high school career which have prevented me from participating in lots of school activities and volunteer programs. I also didn't get the chance to participate in AP classes and my GPA is 3.73, not the greatest. I participated in choir and I was the...