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Bryan, Texas
3 Questions
156 Karma

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Blake’s Avatar
Blake May 25, 2016 996 views

Once settled into a job for multiple years what is the best way to ask for a raise if one has not already been given to you?

Just curious for further down the road #money #college-jobs

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Blake May 25, 2016 3877 views

What would you say are the top 3 most important things to consider when choosing between job offers ?

Most people with my college major have more that one job offer when they graduate #college #college-jobs #workforce-planning

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Blake May 25, 2016 1168 views

Once graduating college would your say it is more important to start working right away if you someday want to get a masters degree or just go back to school right after your undergrad and why?

Trying to decide whether or not to pursue my masters degree #college #career-paths #degree #masters