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Tracy Milo’s Avatar

Tracy Milo

Senior Manager Learning & Development
Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Columbus, Ohio
2 Answers
10369 Reads
2 Karma

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Tatiana’s Avatar
Tatiana Jan 27, 2023 706 views

?I want to become a lawyer and I am in the process of studying for the LSAT. I want to do something related to law but I have a B.A. in Psych but no one will hire me. Any tips? I am also interested in remote jobs.

I want to become a lawyer and I am in the process of studying for the LSAT. I want to do something related to law but I have a B.A. in Psych but no one will hire me. Any tips? I am also interested in remote jobs.

Lucas’s Avatar
Lucas Jan 24, 2023 9728 views

What keeps you motivated as you work?

Do you keep your energy high or low, when it comes to working with others are you sometimes depleted?