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Providence, Rhode Island
2 Questions
41 Karma

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Sally May 26, 2016 857 views

What are some good ways to advance my education after attending my 4 year college? (MTSU)

I will be studying Biology in Middle Tennessee State University this coming up fall. I am extremely excited, but I'm not sure what to do after 4 years. I plan to be an orthodontist when I finish college and I have no clue what step to take to lead me into that right path. #college #biology...

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Sally May 26, 2016 765 views

What type of school should I transfer to after finishing my four year university?

I plan on being an orthodontist after college. I will be attending MTSU in Murfreesboro, TN. But what type of school should I attend afterwards? I have no clue what to plan for. #college #medicine #biology #healthcare #university #orthodontist