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New York, New York
2 Questions
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hayley May 26, 2016 892 views

How exactly are scholarship monies put towards tuition and can they be limited to certain careers even it is a major or minor?

I wanted to understand that once scholarship monies are granted, the discretion of spending is now at the students disposal. However a fellow classmate was unable to scholarship money towards their major in business. How can I avoid the same problem. #major #scholarship

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hayley May 26, 2016 1220 views

Is it possible to major in languages in which more than one language is mastered at once?

I am currently interested in majoring in languages, however through research found that most majors are limited to specifics. For example I pick up dialect, word choice, and accent quickly and have put it in practice; more than volunteer requirements but as a career. I can't seem to find a...