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Jesus’s Avatar


Madera, California
3 Questions
119 Karma

Jesus’ Career Goals

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Jesus’s Avatar
Jesus Feb 14, 2023 580 views

3. What is your favorite part of your job that you like as a nurse practitioner?

I want to know what is your favorite of doing your job for it is very fun because I could collaborate with people and have good relationships with patients and the people that I work with.

Jesus’s Avatar
Jesus Feb 14, 2023 498 views

2. How long does it take to be a nurse practitioner?

I want to know how long it could take to be a nurse practitioner. Sometimes it could be long for others which will make take long because there is a lot of learning and exams.

Jesus’s Avatar
Jesus Feb 14, 2023 591 views

1. What does a nurse practitioner's day-to-day schedule is every single day ?

I am Jesus I want to know how a day schedule is it could vary every day. I am very interested to know more about it and to know the perspective of some that did it to show how it is.