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Jocelyn’s Avatar


San Francisco, California
6 Questions
582 Karma

Jocelyn’s Career Goals

I want to become a manager in the working field.



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Jocelyn’s Avatar
Jocelyn May 09, 2023 1013 views

How do you handle workplace disappointments/barriers?

For example, if there was something that was bothering you, or there was a critique you'd like to make.

Jocelyn’s Avatar
Jocelyn May 09, 2023 898 views

Do you have any good book recommendations?

It doesn't have to be related to jobs specifically, but maybe something that influenced the way you think/do right now.

Jocelyn’s Avatar
Jocelyn May 09, 2023 313 views

How do you stop feeling burnt out?

I already feel my motivation seeping out of me slowly and I'm only in junior year!

Jocelyn’s Avatar
Jocelyn Mar 13, 2023 3849 views

Do you enjoy working?

I know people say to do what you love, but it can be hard. How do you balance work and play?

Jocelyn’s Avatar
Jocelyn Mar 13, 2023 507 views

How do you maintain and cultivate connections?

Is there more than just sending people emails saying you're interested?

Jocelyn’s Avatar
Jocelyn Mar 13, 2023 612 views

What are some good tips for job interviews?

Are there certain questions to ask interviewers?