Harry Kaszycki
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When did you know you were going to stick to your career?
I am currently in high school and don’t know what to do after. i want to go to college but don’t know what major to take and the career path i should follow

How long have you been working for and do you like your current career?
I am a Senior in high school

How did you find the career that was right for you?
how did you decide what interested you most, in order to help pick your career?

What does a typical day for a civil engineer look, like about how many breaks (like lunch) does a civil engineer typically have??
Hi my name is Magali, a student at San Jose Job Corps and I'm interested in becoming in civil engineer. Thank you for your answers

how much can you get pay for by the tip of work that you get?
you get payed more to be a elocutionist because you risk you live by get in sock.

What are the most effective strategies for seeking a position in civil engineer?
Hi my name is Magali, a student at San Jose Job Corps and I'm interested in becoming in civil engineer. Thank you for your answers.