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Atlanta, Georgia
2 Questions
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Kat’s Career Goals

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Kat Apr 27, 2023 962 views

I want to switch my major from computer science. I want to pursue a career in neuroscience , mostly leaning towards neuropsychology, but my school only offers bio or psych as majors and then I would have to cross register and apply for a neuro program. I don't know what I should do at all and I am lost. Help?

This is my freshman year currently so I have time.

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Kat Apr 10, 2023 2556 views

is there any careers that combine cognitive/brain science, computer science, psychology, and neuroscience or something around this because I am a freshman computer science major but want to get my Phd in cogsci but unsure on what I could do with it

I am interested in all of these paths and would like to have a career relating or combining them that is not your typical UX designer or software engineer.