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Gary Trottier’s Avatar

Gary Trottier

Director of Remarketing - End of Lease at Dell Financial Services
Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Austin, Texas
3 Answers
9242 Reads
31 Karma

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Thu’s Avatar
Thu Mar 15, 2016 2354 views

How do you recommend I overcome my fear of pubilc speaking?

I'm hoping that others who have also had a fear of public speaking were able to overcome it and be successful business people. I get extremely anxious when I ahve to speak at all in class, but feel very confident when working alone or communicating digitally. I'm worried this will interfer with...

Jose’s Avatar
Jose Jun 06, 2016 1004 views

What is the best thing to do when switching career?

I am asking this question because I am assure of what career I want to follow and in the case that I choose one but change, I want to know the best option to take. #counselor

Derrin’s Avatar
Derrin Mar 15, 2016 5841 views

Is working in finance stressful?

There are a lot of movies out there about finance and almost always they show a really intense and stressful work environment. That is exciting but it is also really intimidating. How much of that portrayal is just Hollywood vs. really a reflection of real life in the finance industry? #finance...