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4 Questions
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David Apr 18, 2023 334 views

What classes are recommended for me to take in college in order to become a Data Warehousing Specialist?

I want to become a Data Warehousing Specialist and I know that I need to take classes for Information Technology, but I do not know which specific classes.

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David Apr 18, 2023 396 views

What are some college classes I should consider taking in order to do my best in the IT field?

I wanted to know what would be the best classes to take in order to succeed in the IT field.

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David Apr 18, 2023 2294 views

What does a typical work day look like for an IT specialist?

I wanted to know what would be some everyday tasks I would be doing on a day-to-day basis if I decided to continue on becoming an IT specialist.

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David Apr 18, 2023 1027 views

What is some software I should become familiar with if I want to become an IT?

I am working on becoming an IT, but I do not know what type of software I should learn in order to do well in that field.