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Alex Sherman’s Avatar

Alex Sherman

Management Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations
Boston, Massachusetts
4 Answers
8409 Reads
11 Karma

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Jianna’s Avatar
Jianna Feb 14, 2023 2335 views

What is good jobs to get experince in sales?

As a highschool / college student what can I do for work to start gaining experince in sales? Is there anything that is more valuable to spend my time on?

Patrick’s Avatar
Patrick Apr 24, 2023 1226 views

How do you juggle college with your personal life?

I am a Senior in high school and I will be attending college this year.

Ivy’s Avatar
Ivy Apr 26, 2023 3565 views

What should I study in college to become a sports commentator?

I'm in 10th grade and I enjoy watching sports. I keep up pretty well with statistics in the NFL, NBA, college basketball, football and, volleyball. I always listen to the people commentating and I watch the pre and post game interviews.

Macy’s Avatar
Macy Apr 23, 2023 1684 views

What are the best college majors to choose?

What are the best college majors to choose?I want it to be able to benefit it me in the future. I mean that I don’t want to major in math only to never use that skill.