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Joshua May’s Avatar

Joshua May

Actuarial Analyst
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Pomona, California
2 Answers
1008 Reads
1 Karma

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Madison’s Avatar
Madison Dec 08, 2016 1251 views

Double major dilemma

As of right now, I am currently an English major finishing up my first semester in college. I really love my major(it was changed from marine science) and I'm so excited to continue on with it and see where it takes me. That being said, I am a little worried about being able to pay off my...

Tejasvi’s Avatar
Tejasvi Dec 19, 2022 852 views

What is it like being an actuarial scientist?

What is it like being an actuarial scientist? What does the typical day consist of? Do you enjoy your job? Is it hard?