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Rishabh Saxena’s Avatar

Rishabh Saxena

Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Chicago, Illinois
3 Answers
5132 Reads
11 Karma

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Zion’s Avatar
Zion Jun 08, 2023 1243 views

What is the tech industry like? What technical / soft skills are needed in the field? How can I prepare myself in such a oversaturated field??

I'm an sophomore majoring in computer science and data science. I basic knowledge in python, java, web development, sql, and swift.

Eleanor’s Avatar
Eleanor Jun 08, 2023 1221 views

How did you pick your field of science?

How did you pick your field of science? I love animals but I also love psychology and don’t know how to decide between them.

Audrey’s Avatar
Audrey Jun 09, 2023 2718 views

If you could change anything about your high school outcome, what would it be and why?

Lots of people often regret certain decisions after high school, so what do you wish you could change?