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Theresa Somerville’s Avatar

Theresa Somerville

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
3 Answers
7720 Reads
1 Karma

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Elizebeth’s Avatar
Elizebeth Jun 09, 2023 1561 views

how do you find work?

how do you find work?

mo’s Avatar
mo Jun 08, 2023 2744 views

what would be one of the easiest tasks when going into your first job?

i’m going to my first job and i’m unsure of what to expect

Aliyah’s Avatar
Aliyah Jun 09, 2023 3484 views

What are the potential career paths within psychology, and how can I explore them to make an informed decision?

I know that I want to pursue and career in psychology and I would like to be open to all possible career paths within my field of choice. That way I know what’s fit for me as well.