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Maia’s Avatar


Highland Springs, CA
2 Questions
107 Karma

Maia’s Career Goals

I want to become a Pediatric Speech Pathologist and do lip reading and asl interpretation on the side. I am hoping to work at centers, schools, and home visits. I do not want to work in hospitals and I want to get much experience as soon as possible!



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Maia’s Avatar
Maia Jun 20, 2023 836 views

Where are the best websites to find easy scholarships for my major Social Work?

I feel like I have looked all over the internet for good scholarships for my major. But I can't seem to find anything. I'll be an incoming sophomore at college. Any tips for finding good scholarships?

Maia’s Avatar
Maia Jun 13, 2023 428 views

What advice would you have for someone looking for more experience in their passion?

Hi, I am an upcoming college sophomore in the fall of 2023. I currently am majoring in Pre- Social Work and minoring in Speech Pathology. My ultimate goal is to become a Speech Pathologist but I want to get more experience right now. I am just not too sure where to look or start. Where do you...