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Jared Oluwa’s Avatar

Jared Oluwa

Sync Licensing Facilitator
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations - Legal Occupations
Gardena, California
2 Answers
9753 Reads
1 Karma

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Emily’s Avatar
Emily Jun 26, 2023 326 views

Do I have to apply from a certain major to become a muscian

Do I have to apply for a certain major in college/university in able to become a musician. Do I have to have certain grades in order to become one?????

Lindsey’s Avatar
Lindsey Jul 12, 2023 9255 views

What is the best and cheapest way to get my book published and on the market??

I love to write and my dream is to become an author, so why would I wait until I’m older to get a book published? I want to self publish, but I feel like nobody’s going to discover my book that way.