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11 Questions
1216 Karma

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Civic Duty
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Christina Aug 27, 2016 1312 views

What are different law enforcement agencies positions on hiring someone who has illegally downloaded?

What are different law enforcement agencies positions on hiring someone who has illegally downloaded? If someone downloaded less than 150 songs and 2 movies when they were 13 would that disqualify them from any position in law enforcement in the future? #criminal-justice #law-enforcement

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Christina Jul 12, 2016 2900 views

How do you make the best of college?

I am going to be a Freshman this fall.There are so many things to do at college, with so little time. How do you make the best out of the time at college? #college #college-major #college-bound

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Christina Jul 12, 2016 1075 views

How has a Psychology major helped you?

I'm thinking about double majoring, or a least minoring in psychology. If you have a degree in psychology, how has it helped you? #college #career #psychology

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Christina Jul 12, 2016 1618 views

What college minors are good for law enforcement?

I'm looking at a career in law enforcement. What college minors would be helpful in law enforcement alongside a Criminal Justice degree? #college #criminal-justice #law-enforcement

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Christina Jul 11, 2016 2604 views

What qualifications are needed to be promoted to a detective?

What qualifications are needed to be promoted to a detective after you become a police officer? Generally, how long does it take to receive the promotion? #police #criminal-justice #law-enforcement

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Christina Jul 10, 2016 1282 views

Should I get involved in clubs at college?

I will be a Freshman in college this fall. I am studying Criminal Justice. There is a Criminal Justice club at my school. The rest of the clubs seem kind of lame. Will getting involved in clubs help me in future jobs? Should I join more than one club? #college #job-search #criminal-justice...

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Christina Jul 08, 2016 4959 views

What makes police officer candidates stand out?

I am currently pursuing a B.S. in Criminal Justice. While I am in college, I also want to prune myself into a better candidate for law enforcement. What are some qualities that a good police officer candidate has?

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Christina Jul 07, 2016 2006 views

What are the most important traits or skills to develop before starting a career?

I am currently in college. I would like learn and develop important skills and traits that would make me stand out in any field. What do you think are the most important skills to master? #college #career #development #interviewing-skills #communication-skills

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Christina Jul 06, 2016 1538 views

What types of internships would look good on law enforcement applications?

I am pursuing a career in law enforcement. I know internships look good on resumes, but what kind of internships? #college #internships #police #criminal-justice #resume #law-enforcement

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Christina Jul 06, 2016 4287 views

Is French a good language to become fluent in and minor in?

I want to pursue a career in law enforcement after I graduate from college. I know that being fluent in different languages increases your chance of being hired. I am looking forward to becoming fluent in college. However, people keep telling me French is not a good language to minor in because...

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Christina Jul 05, 2016 1230 views

What do you wish you had known before you went in to law enforcement?

I am currently in college and hope to pursue a career in law enforcement. I have looked up different law enforcement agencies, but I don't know which one is a good fit for me. What are some things you wish you had known before you went into law enforcement? Or before you picked a specific...