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Louise Barton’s Avatar

Louise Barton

licensed veterinary technician
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Toledo, Ohio
3 Answers
1554 Reads
31 Karma

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k’s Avatar
k Jul 30, 2023 531 views

How is work as a veterinarian ?

I am interested in becoming a veterinarian someday but besides having the basics of having to check up on animals health and such, how does one emotionally prepare themselves for having to put down an animal? I really don’t do well with animals dying so I would like to know how experienced...

Branun’s Avatar
Branun Jul 17, 2023 542 views

What is it like being a Veta?

What is it like working in that line of duty

Xiomara’s Avatar
Xiomara Jul 31, 2023 559 views

Is it emotionally draining to be a veterinary-technician?

Are you able to help in surgeries? What does a vet technician do?