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Michael B. Schwartz’s Avatar

Michael B. Schwartz

Visual Artist
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Tucson, Arizona
2 Answers
3253 Reads
1 Karma

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Ebony’s Avatar
Ebony Aug 23, 2023 1328 views

How do I become/get a job as an Illustrator?

I have always loved art and drawing growing up and my dream career is to become a graphic novelist/cartoonist. It would be cool to publish my own graphic novels or illustrate other's books but how do I do that? I also would like to know where character designers or concept artists work and what...

Sam’s Avatar
Sam Aug 23, 2023 1918 views

How long do y have to be in school for art ?

Do people’s see your art ? Can they bye it ?