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Robert Lindeman’s Avatar

Robert Lindeman

4 Answers
9811 Reads
2 Karma
Aaru’s Avatar
Aaru Mar 05, 2024 8153 views

is there any way i can improve my communication skills?

i am in 9th grade and its high time i have good speaking skills. i know that's it is extremely important for job interviews and basically leading a successful life. i don't know what to do to improve, i am scared for some reason to "speak up" as i have been told. any tips?? I may also have...

Jerry’s Avatar
Jerry May 25, 2023 1382 views

what kind of apps can i use right for video making ?

what are free apps can i use?

Mohammed’s Avatar
Mohammed Apr 18, 2024 925 views

What is the best career and why is it the best career to earn right now?

What is the best career and why is it the best career to earn right now?

DeMarreau’s Avatar
DeMarreau Aug 24, 2023 473 views

How do I start film?

I enjoy the thought of creating videos, whether it's entertaining, informational, or anything else. How do I go about making my content likable for multiple different audiences?