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West Palm Beach, Florida
2 Questions
166 Karma

AJ’s Career Goals

I want to be a successful NP who help people get better and get them back to a stable and healthy life. I want to serve others and the rush of running to someone who needs my help is enough to keep my pushing and that's my biggest motivation. To have the ability and knowledge to get people to a healthy life starting with a healthy body.


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AJ Sep 08, 2023 697 views

Where can I start working as a part time job as a teen?

When i soon get my first job i want it to relate to my future career as a NP so i can get a little bit of practice. What jobs could possibly be related to the medical branch? Could volunteering at a local nursing home be a good idea? or maybe a local animal shelter.

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AJ Sep 04, 2023 844 views

How do Nurse Practitioners work and Registered Nurse ? What is the difference between them?

I do hope to be a Nurse Practitioner but I have also thought of being a Registered Nurse but I don't have much background information on the two.