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North Wales, Pennsylvania
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John Sep 16, 2023 1130 views

If I am currently taking classes such as AP Euro, AP US Gov, AP Comp Gov, and Ap lit will these courses help my application if I want to go into criminal justice as a major in college?

I am currently a senior filling out college apps.

John’s Avatar
John Sep 07, 2023 914 views

Hi, Im a senior in highschool and I recently dropped my AP Econ (micro/macro) class and in place I am taking AP euro. I would like to major in Poli Sci in college and I am currently taking 4 APs which are, AP lit, Ap U.S. Gov, AP Euro, AP Comp Gov. I was wondering if dropping my AP econ class will affect my applications drastically.?

Is AP euro a difficult class and will it help me out in college as a poli sci major?