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Boston, Massachusetts
2 Questions
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Hollie’s Avatar
Hollie Aug 12, 2016 3568 views

What job options do I have to work in a 'behind the scenes' role in broadcast media?

It would be so cool to work in this industry, but I have no interest in doing a job like a sports broadcaster. I'd rather work behind the scenes, not with equipment though. I'm a pretty good writer and people say i'm creative. I really want to find out what my options are! Thank you! #media...

Hollie’s Avatar
Hollie Aug 12, 2016 5756 views

What do you love most about your job in broadcast media?

I have always been interested in a career in broadcast media. I find the industry so exciting! I'm planning on going to school for broadcast media, but as of now i'm open to what exactly I do. I would like to know what you do in broadcast media and what like most about your job to help me get a...