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Rosie Oliveras’s Avatar

Rosie Oliveras

Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Northport, New York
3 Answers
3297 Reads
1 Karma

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Elianna’s Avatar
Elianna Sep 05, 2023 1790 views

How to be a fashion designer and to have the creative mindset

So I love being creative all that, and I find myself being a fashion enthusiast with the knowledge I have on trends instead of a designer. I'm so overwhelmed that my lack of ability to draw will never get me into an art college, like I suck at drawing, I can picture an amazing outfit but can...

kendra’s Avatar
kendra Sep 13, 2023 726 views

whats it like in your field?

im interested in these fields and i want to know if they are worth going to college or not. i am also wondering if these were your careers of choice

Joniah’s Avatar
Joniah Sep 13, 2023 898 views

How much can I make as a fashion designer ?

I live in a small place so I know stuff gets around fast since it’s small but I don’t think if I start it will be big enough to get around you know.