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Amy T’s Avatar

Amy T

Service Associate
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Atlanta, Georgia
4 Answers
20345 Reads
11 Karma

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Danielle’s Avatar
Danielle Sep 28, 2023 3704 views

What job is best while in college?

I want to be able to work while still being able to manage all my school work. I also still want to have a flexible schedule, so what job would best accommodate for those?

Kayla’s Avatar
Kayla Sep 25, 2023 8648 views

How do I get started in event planning ?

I’m in high school and about to graduate. I want to get started in my career as soon as I possibly can.

Adilay’s Avatar
Adilay Sep 26, 2023 3666 views

what is the average salary for a psychologist?

I might be interested in becoming a psychologist but if the salary is small enough that I would be struggling financially I might look in a different area of mental health or psychology for a career

Adilay’s Avatar
Adilay Sep 26, 2023 4129 views

what are the highest paying jobs you can get with a psychology degree?

I'm super interested in psychology and how the human brain works. Mental health is really interesting and important to me, too. I'm looking into pursuing a career relating to that sort of thing, but financial stability is very important to me.